শারহু মাসাইলিল জাহিলিয়্যাহ বই

by Bangla Public Library

Books & Reference


Bismillahir Rahmanir RahimAssalamu Alaikum, dear brothers, sisters and friends. Sheikh Dr. "Sharhu Masailil Jahiliyyah" is famous as the book written by Salih Ibn Fawzan Al Fawzan. Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in the introduction to his book Masail al-Jahiliyyah: So no Muslim can be ignorant about these matters. Good is manifested by the opposite of evil and different things are manifested by the opposite. All the pages of this book are highlighted in this app. I published the whole book for free for the Muslim brothers who could not afford it.Hope you will encourage us with your valuable comments and ratings.